The Only Thumbnail Rules You Need
Category Doesn't matter. Show Action
You have to NAIL THE CONCEPT! Why is the user going to click?
That is what you need to answer when creating the thumby
THumbnail Job - Read the title TItle job - Get you over the line to get into the video
How? A good thumbnail...
Thumbnail/Niche (Reusable Types)
I Asked [subset of people] how they [action].....
Before/After Comparisons
Conversation Bubbles
Status Quo Challenging - Using what's written on the sign to challenge the status quo
Image: Idea is to use a poster board, and the text on it is something that challenges an idea that many people believe to be true. Hold that sign up in your video
Title: Biggest Myth In Education
Poster: You Are NOT A Visual Learner
Human: Slight Smirk
Poster: Videos Don't Grow Channels
Human: Somber/Stoneface
Title: This Stops 95% of Youtube Channels Growing
Applied: Jon Youshaei Changing Youtube Education
Goal of TN: They wanted it to look like a pause moment from the video. The hand, flashdrive, mic and background are all fake.
Applied 1: Jon's most viral video was inspired by the below thumbnail. He made it work for his niche/story.
Casey: The Original Jon: Inspired by Casey Nestiat Video Jay: Inspired by Ex-Youtube Employee Video
Applied 2: Wired: The Originator Jay Clouse: Inspired by Wired's 'Accent Expert Breaks Down 17 Actors Playing Real People' Series
What he did?
Expert on opposite side of OG
Thumbanil (Visual) of a clip that expert is responsible for (Recognizable by the target audience)
3rd panel reinforcing what the video is about (scriptwriting)
Changed to his style
Made it fit his audience
Inspired by a thumbnail that had already worked
Results - 72k
Make it yours!
It's all about the psychology of the click.
Psychology of the click > Design. Niche doesn't matter!
This Is How Airplane Engines Are Tested
- 5.3 Million Views
Chicken looks to be getting thrown into the propellers(silly)2.3 Element Rule
Person, Blood From Finger, Shark
Chicken, Plane Engineer, Human Throwing Chicken
Human holding poster, Words on poster
Person, Textbox on Image, Background Studio
Enough proof?
Thanks, Thomas!